Thursday, January 12, 2017

2014-2016 Watch Dogs 2 - Concept Artist + Technical Artist

Let's go buy WD2 and play this beautiful game!
I worked for this game as Concept Artist and Technical Artist.

We disgned a really nice Clouds systems. I worked on the Sky, Clouds, Water, Weather, Fog and some help for Sunligh Shadowing.

(AWESOME video at the end of this post!)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2013-2014 Assassin's Creed Unity - Concept-Artist / Senior Artist

I worked on Assassin's Creed Unity, helping the Technical Direction defining the materials recipes for artists and studios. We started with a popular Reflectance Chart and added our own interpretation of other materials as used/old copper, cast iron, etc... I did all the vegetation clutter, sewer and catacomb recipes (meshes + materials) and some props modeling highres-lowres bake.

2011-2013 SplinterCell Blacklist Adversarial - Art Director Assistant

I did concept-art, textures, lighting and mostly ADA for the multiplayer of SplinterCell Blacklist. That was fun and productive, resurrect the brand was a good challenge!


2009 to 2011 I participated to 3 titles as senior artist, doing all king of artistic work.

  • Concept Artist & Senior - Artist on Shaun White Skateboarding Wii
  • Concept Artist - Assassin's Creed Recollection (iPad)
  • Concept Artist - JustDance

2007-2009 James Cameron Avatar The Game - Technical Graphic Director

I did Graphical Technical Director, providing pipelines and tools for artists creating these astonishing graphics.

2005-2007 SplinterCell Conviction - Graphic Technical Director

After Chaos Theory I was lucky to be part of the core team starting Conviction, were great days, good old days. I did Graphic Technical Director helping programmers defining the tools and pipeline given to the artists. It was the first game at Ubisoft implementing a Cubemap pipeline in shaders. Values to blur cubemap based on a fresnel curve, contrast and change the cubemap brightness, a new voxel Ambiant Occlusion technic. Spherical Harmonics for ambient understood by Normal Maps.

2003-2005 SplinterCell Chaos Theory - Texturer

After entering Ubisoft Montréal with some Prince-of-Persia textures, I did texturer on SplinterCell Chaos Theory. At this time it was the first game introducing Normal Map and Specular, the shader revolution began!

I did textures, materials, Lighting (loooong specular style), and modeling.